Tuesday, 22 February 2011

definitely definitely no logic

 I'm highly uninspired right now. Creativity has it's ups and downs. I hope it's not directed by season, I can't afford being passive for 3 months. Every single movement makes me angry. Studio doesn't seem so cozy anymore. I like working under the table but it's quite dark there and it isn't my completely hidden place there. I'm again craving for solitude. Why?!

Thursday, 17 February 2011

stupid annoying mail

 oh no, there is one student somewhere in fashion/textiles who forgot to come to assessment and she sends a mail to whole foundation course, and it always happens with fashion, i don't care when you have to come to crit! Cmon, it's getting a stupid junk mail! Grrrrrrrr!

Sunday, 13 February 2011

have tried oil paint, the shame to say that, to be so unexperienced but that is how it is, so far i;m not so happy with it, i know i lack of training in it, but still, i prefer water based paints like watercolors and acrylics, easier to handle, pf

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

oh forest spirits, why do we have to write this film review when it's the last thing we care about

Friday, 4 February 2011

lis griaus kol išauš

so i watched over a 1000 contemporary painters to find something i like, it's hard, i found no more than 20, but even if my taste is subjective i'm still enjoying carelessly

Adam Sorensen

Alexander Tovborg

Ana Pimentel

Armin Boehm

 Christine Gray

Christof Mascher

 Elizabeth Magill

Esther Pearl Watson

Gina Magid

Ina Biersted 

 Katy Schimert

Madeleine Kelly

Marie Aly

Michelle Blade 

Nilima Sheikh

Robert Gutierrez 

Sangram Mujamdare

 Wangechi Mutu

And they're all similar in one way or another, but i guess i just love magic so much.